Category Archives: Pet Photography Techniques

Thoughts on Composite Photos

The above shot of my Chocolate Lab, Samantha, is one of my favorite photos. Unfortunately, it isn’t real. At least, not completely real — it’s a composite of about thirty photos blended together, and an example of using software and low-cost workarounds to achieve a creative vision that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive or just […]

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Thoughts on Capturing Action

Every pet photographer has likely experienced the feeling of controlled chaos that sometimes comes along with photographing animals. When you bring an excited dog into a new place with new people and then proceed to throw some toys, some running, and some treats into the mix, sometimes you have to just roll with the inevitable […]

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Thoughts on Leash Removal

Leashes. They’re incredibly essential to maintaining safety, especially when we have our dogs in unfamiliar and exciting places (which are naturally the most photogenic!), and yet they can be such an eyesore in a photo. Luckily modern software has given us a powerful suite of tools for removing leashes that, when used correctly, will preserve […]

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Tools of the Trade: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM

I wanted to take a quick break from the adorable dogs and cats that normally fill up this space to talk about another aspect of photography that I’m passionate about: gear! And, more importantly, how that gear relates to taking photos of…the adorable dogs and cats that normally fill up this space! With photography, the […]

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Second Looks

One of the most tenuous aspects of pet photography is the finished look of a photo. While I’m working on a shot I’ll ask myself questions like: Is it contrasty enough, or is it too contrasty? Is it bright enough, or is it overexposed? Are the colors dull, or over saturated? I would say that […]

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