Category Archives: Pet Photography

Looking Back, Looking Forward

With 2014 in the history books and Purple Collar about to enter into its fourth year in business, I thought it a good time to reflect on the amazing opportunities that I have been afforded, the scores of wonderful people I have met along the way, and the direction I would like to take Purple Collar […]

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When Wally stopped growing, I think it took a little while for his ears to get the memo. 🙂 But of course his ears only add to his charm, and what this awesome dude lacks in size he more than makes up in personality and spirit. I had the pleasure of meeting this speckled fellow and his people […]

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Thoughts on Composite Photos

The above shot of my Chocolate Lab, Samantha, is one of my favorite photos. Unfortunately, it isn’t real. At least, not completely real — it’s a composite of about thirty photos blended together, and an example of using software and low-cost workarounds to achieve a creative vision that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive or just […]

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Charm and Roxy

Charm and Roxy are an amazingly fun pair of dogs, different in as many ways as they are alike! Roxy is a Chihuahua — with possibly some Miniature Pinscher in the mix somewhere — practically bursting with the energy and vibrancy of her youth. She doesn’t just run, she flies across the ground at a […]

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The first thing that struck me about Rocco was his size — when you’ve grown used to having a 45 pound “mini” Lab around the house it’s easy to forget just how big Labs can be. And Rocco’s not just big, he’s 90+ pounds of gregarious goofiness bundled into a shiny black coat of fur, […]

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