
The first thing that struck me about Rocco was his size — when you’ve grown used to having a 45 pound “mini” Lab around the house it’s easy to forget just how big Labs can be. And Rocco’s not just big, he’s 90+ pounds of gregarious goofiness bundled into a shiny black coat of fur, all smiles and floppy ears. He is also a stick-destroying retrieving machine. So, naturally, he got to celebrate his 8th birthday in part by doing what he does (and loves) best: running, dock jumping, hanging with his peeps, and showing sticks who’s boss (or trying to — he ran across a pretty formidable opponent that managed to survive).

Rocco is a not-so-subtle reminder of what I love about not just Labs, but all dogs: their seemingly boundless enthusiasm for the simple joys in life. After all, it’s not the size of the stick that matters, but who you get to bring it back to at the end of a retrieve.

Craig Jones - April 12, 2013 - 4:02 pm

Love looking at all your photos! Especially like Rocco with the big stick and also the one with him shaking off the water in this set.

Purple Collar Pet Photography - April 12, 2013 - 4:51 pm

Thanks, Craig! Those are two of my favorites as well. 🙂

Craig Jones - April 12, 2013 - 4:39 pm

Great photos! Love your work.

Melanie - June 11, 2013 - 6:14 am

Amazing! I find it difficult to shoot black dogs, to get the texture of their fur to show, and to keep them from looking blue. Could you share what techniques you used, camera settings, or was it done in editing, to keep the black fur nice and black without losing the texture? Thank you!

moi - June 22, 2013 - 4:25 am

Amazing, gorgeous images! Love, love, love them ♥

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