Yearly Archives: 2011

52 Weeks of Photos :: Breaking the Rules (41/52)

This week’s theme for the 52 Week Project was “Breaking the Rules.” Now I’ve been lucky that rules have never been much of an issue with Sam. She is, by and large, a very well behaved dog. But one thing that we have struggled with over the years — mainly because I have a hard […]

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Tana :: Sacramento Pet Photography

In some ways, Tana is not your typical Bernese Mountain Dog. She tips the scales at just over 60 lbs., for instance, which is very lightweight for her breed (personally, I think Tana’s size adds to her charm). But in many other ways — the ways that matter, I would say — Tana is a […]

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52 Weeks of Photos :: Best of the Week (37/52)

Another Friday, another 52 Week Project photo! This week’s theme was “Best of the Week”. Having photographed eight different dogs over the weekend, narrowing done to just one photograph was not an easy task! In the end, it was the below photo of Tana the Bernese Mountain Dog that won me over. I love the […]

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The Dogs of the CRCVT Program, Class of 2011-12

Shelby These photos were taken as part of an effort to help raise funds for and awareness of the animals that are rescued every year and taken in to the Cosumnes River College Veterinary Technology (CRCVT) program. The CRCVT program provides students with a rigorous hands-on learning experience in animal nursing, including preventative care, surgery, dentistry, […]

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52 Weeks of Photos :: Wide Open (34/52)

What better way to start your Friday than with some chocolate? 😉 This week’s theme for the BBPPN 52 Week Group Project was “wide open.” Almost immediately, I knew where I wanted to go with the theme. I love shooting at or near maximum aperture (or, in other words, wide open), which so often renders […]

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