Tag Archives: Arboretum

Charm and Roxy

Charm and Roxy are an amazingly fun pair of dogs, different in as many ways as they are alike! Roxy is a Chihuahua — with possibly some Miniature Pinscher in the mix somewhere — practically bursting with the energy and vibrancy of her youth. She doesn’t just run, she flies across the ground at a […]

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I got to enjoy a relaxed evening with Dash the Border Collie and his person on a beautiful late Spring evening in Davis back in May. Dash is a dog that lives for the thrill of chasing the ball, and we got to indulge him thoroughly throughout the session! As you can see, he was […]

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I spent some time with Hattie the Chihuahua mix and her people on a gorgeous day back in June. Hattie had just turned one, and being the leggy, exuberant puppy that she is, I quickly learned that she was much less interested in looking at the camera than she was in running and investigating the […]

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Dee Dee

One of the first things I learned about Dee Dee — before we’d even met — was that she was getting on in years. But after meeting the twelve year-old Welsh Corgi I quickly learned that — at least to her — age is just a number. Yes, there are the minor inconveniences that come […]

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Abby and Lucy

Abby is every bit the classic Labrador Retriever — an energetic free spirit, friendly and playful, and seemingly unaware of just how big and powerful she is. Naturally, I find her incredibly charming. 🙂 Lucy, a six year-old Cocker Spaniel, is a bit more reserved at first than her younger (though larger) sibling, but once […]

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