El Dorado

I can honestly say that I’ve loved working with every dog and cat that I’ve met, but I find working with senior dogs to be a particularly special privilege, and El Dorado was no exception. Maybe I’m just a sucker for sweet white faces, or maybe it was seeing how much (hint: a lot) this beautiful boy still loved his favorite things in the world — his people, his treats, and the chance to run freely — even though he’s not as spry as he once was. Whatever it was, being with El Dorado that day moved me.

Dogs never cease to amaze me; their ability to love us unconditionally, or effortlessly adapt to new situations that would leave us stunned, is nothing short of breathtakingly inspirational. I could only hope to face the world half so bravely as millions of dogs across the world do every day. And so when I see a dog like El Dorado, who still has so much love and joy in his heart despite the inconveniences of old age, I just want to hug him, tell him that he’s such a good boy, and never let go.

Kaylee Greer - December 29, 2012 - 10:40 am

Ahhh!! I love these images! El Dorado is so gorgeous! What a wise old face he has. 🙂 His Mom’s boots are absolutely amazing too. haha. The last image of El Dorado and his Mom sitting on the dock is just to die for. What a perfect moment. I love the depth of field and the romantic gold and green color tones. Awesome work as always, Anthony!

Beth |Daily Dog Tag - December 29, 2012 - 3:29 pm

Your photo sessions ALWAYS bring a smile to face and I fall in love with yet another dog! El Dorado is so handsome and obviously well loved!

moi - June 22, 2013 - 4:45 am

Beautiful boy. I own a golden retriever too, they are such special dogs. You got some great shots of him with his ears up, not always easy with a golden, you have to get their attention to get the ears up. His moms red shoes really gave lovely contrast to the colours.

Agatha nowinski - November 11, 2013 - 11:53 am

El Dorado was the best dog ever!! He is missed and loved <3

Happy Tails: El Dorado | The Daily Dog Tag - August 19, 2013 - 5:06 am

[…] You can see more of El Dorado on Anthony’s pet photography blog. […]

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